Why Sheppard Piling?

  • When you speak with Sheppard Piling, you can be rest assured that we are committed to every project and the details you provide us. We treat each project differently, as well as we give our focus on the level of every detail we get from the client.
  • We work using a pre-flight procedure ensuring that we have the right soil assessment, including various structural and geotechnical reports, in order to determine the most suitable or cost-effective piling method.
  • Sheppard Piling has a team of experienced engineers offering fully insured design, conforming to building regulations, as well as to the British Standards, and NHBC.

Our Dartford Piling Services


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  • We specialise with pile design where we value-engineer our proposals and designs leading to a more affordable and cost-effective design solution. We achieve this through comprehensive site research. 
  • Our team offers a complete turnkey solution which includes the sub-structure design, including reinforced concrete slabs and beams. The full design calculations are made available to every project. Our work has a warranty of 12 years.
  • Upon confirming the project, our team goes to the site for an inspection which is a part of our pre-flight process. In this process we advise the set-up that will be efficient.

Why should I consider piling?

Piles are a common form of structure foundation that provides support to various structures. It aims to transfer the load to various layers of rock and soil. Piles help to provide sufficient bearing capacity that is suitable for settlement characteristics.

Piles can support buildings, towers, tanks, bridges, and walls. When done right, it can be the most-effective type of deep foundation procedure. Piles can be used in various applications like retaining walls, embankments, anchorage structures, bulkheads, and cofferdams.

Piles adapt very well to the structure. They can be installed to hold tension, lateral loads, or compressions. The specifications are set in accordance to the budget, structure, and soil conditions.


For free quotations and site visits
call us today on 01372 232 090

Weymouth Office (Accounts)
Unit 28, Basepoint Business Centre, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 7BS

T: 01305 897 828

Head Office:
Silver Reach Farm, Long Reach, Ockham, GU23 6PF

T: 01372 232 090
E: [email protected]