Our rigs can work in a confined space of approximately 2.0m headroom and 750mm access point. This is particularly useful for basement projects in land-locked areas such as London, residential extensions where access for the larger rigs might be an issue or poor ground conditions. The three main techniques of mini piling that we use are as follows:

Sectional Flight Auger Bored Piles – Open Auger Bore

Open auger bored piles are constructed with sectional solid stemmed augers, once the design depth has been reached the augers are removed from the bore and the pile reinforcement is placed ready for concreting, once concrete has been introduced the pile is completed. This method of piling requires bores to remain dry and stable for concreting.

Sectional Flight Auger Bored Piles – Hollow Stem Bore

Hollow stem bored piles are constructed with sectional hollow stemmed augers, once the design depth has been reached grout is pumped through the centre of the augers to base of the pile, the augers are then extracted whilst the grouting continues to ground level, reinforcement is introduced completing the pile. This method of piling alleviates any issues with unstable bores and water strikes as the bore is permanent supported by the augers throughout construction.

Steel Cased Bottom Driven Piles

Steel cased bottom driven piles are formed using a circular steel casing with a crimped (pointed) toe. These casings are driven into the ground using an integral weight which is repeatedly dropped a pre-determined distance. The energy is transferred from the weight through a dry mix concrete plug in the base of the pile, and into the outer steel casing which propels the casing through the surrounding soil. The Casings are connected together by forming a continuous water tight fillet weld around sections. Once the pile length has been achieved the Grundomat is withdrawn, and the pile is completed by filling the casing with concrete and reinforcement.


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call us today on 01372 232 090